Shooting Stars

Hello, I’m Bakhtiyar Sattarov, product designer with experience in studios and startups

Design is about progress

a person standing in a box
a person holding a balloon surrounded by cactuses
a tiny person standing on a head covered by a white sheet
a person standing in a field of flowers
a person with glasses and smoke coming out of his head
the statue of liberty with a floral blanket
a person walking on a red carpet with large yellow balls
a person standing on a sand dune
a person with flowers coming out of a crack on their face
a person with paint on his face
a person on a swing with a piano keyboard
a person standing on a cliff

We love work hard and explore new things that’s why we cover lot of things. Check our service list and view details

  • Multimedia
  • Interactive Design
  • Branding
  • Creative design
  • Packaging
  • Coding


Site of the day

Genesis UI Kit


Best navigation

Genesis Template



Site of the day

Genesis UI Kit


Best navigation

Genesis Template